
Check out recent commentary from members of our Board and Advisory Board. For more, be sure to follow us on X and LinkedIn.

with Dr. Helene Gayle, Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis Briefing on “Ensuring Equity in Coronavirus Vaccinations”
by Amb. Nicholas Burns, Foreign Affairs The Diplomat as Gardener
by Stephenie Foster, Smash Strategies Women Entrepreneurs in the Year of COVID
with Amb. Nina Hachigian, Center for Strategic & International Studies CSIS Urban Legends Series: U.S. Cities as Foreign Policy Leaders (Event)
by Robert B. Zoellick, The Wall Street Journal How Joe Biden can Help Britain Modernize its Role in the World
with Stephenie Foster, State of the World Feminist Foreign Policy (Podcast)
by Nazanin Ash, CNN Opinion: The Global Problems Biden Can’t Avoid
by Amb. Dan Baer, Foreign Policy America Is Back. Europe, Are You There?
with Amb. Susan D. Page, Just Security Diplomats, Top Experts’ Reactions to Biden Foreign Policy Speech
By Amb. Laura Kennedy, Russia Matters With New START Extended, What Is Future of U.S.-Russian Arms Control?