
Check out recent commentary from members of our Board and Advisory Board. For more, be sure to follow us on X and LinkedIn.

By Bonnie Jenkins, Brookings Redefining Our Concept of Security
By Amb. Bonnie Jenkins, Global Biodefense Interview: Ambassador Bonnie Jenkins on 8 years of Combating WMD Terrorism
By Amb. Laura Kennedy, The Hill Trump Runs Dangerous and Chaotic Approach Toward Nuclear Weapons
By Louise Arbour, Gareth Evans, Jean-Marie Guéhenno and Robert Malley, The Washington Post Why China Must Send Michael Kovrig Home
By Loren DeJonge Schulman, World Politics Review The Many Questions Trump’s Pardons Raise About Civil-Military Relations
By Joseph Cirincione, The Washington Post No President Should Have the Absolute Authority to Launch Nuclear Weapons
By Amb. Azita Raji, The Texas National Security Review Sense and Indispensability: American Leadership in an Age of Uncertainty
By Loren DeJonge Schulman, The Washington Post The Military Needs Immigrants. The Trump Administration Wants to Keep Them Out.
By Heather Hurlburt, New York Magazine Trump’s Israeli Settlement Reversal Is About What’s Good for Him, Not the Law
By Heather Hurlburt, New York Magazine Ambassador Yovanovitch Led by Example