
Check out recent commentary from members of our Board and Advisory Board. For more, be sure to follow us on X and LinkedIn.

By Ned Price, Foreign Policy Trump’s Disingenuous Support for Iranian Protestors Has Backfired
By Daniel Baer, Foreign Policy Rep. Ed Royce’s Failure to Hold Trump Accountable Is a Dereliction of Duty
By Bonnie Jenkins, The Brookings Institution Another Opportunity for Diplomacy on North Korea
By Juan Gonzalez, Americas Quarterly Why Ambassador Feeley’s Resignation Is So Devastating
By Wendy R. Sherman, TIME Lead Negotiator In Iran Deal: Trump Is 'Misreading Situation'
By Robert Malley, Foreign Policy 10 Conflicts to Watch in 2018
By Glen S. Fukushima, Nikkei Asian Review Will There Be a Pacific Trade War in 2018?
By Dr. Colin Kahl, Foreign Policy The United States Should Resolve to Avoid War With North Korea in 2018
By Robert Malley and Stephen Pomper, The Atlantic An Accounting for the Uncounted
A conversation with Richard Verma, The Wilson Center A Shared Journey: The US/India Partnership